Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas update

I couldn't sleep tonight, even though I am physically tired.  My brain was running all kinds of stuff through my head, and I couldn't get it to settle.  So, I figured I'd do a quickie update and maybe a little research to get my brain off my mental treadmill.

My husband has always been very supportive of my creative pursuits, and Christmas was no exception.  The one thing I really wanted this year was a dress form.  In order to really be able to sew for myself, I have to be able to accurately fit the clothing to my body, which is really difficult to do when you have to try it on yourself and figure out the fitting while it is on you.  It's one reason why, even though I'm a seamstress, I've never really made myself clothes.  Or, at least, not since I was in my 20s.

This is the form.  I will need to customize it, of course.  It also has a stand.  
This is the pic from Amazon... it's still in it's box behind me as I type...

My husband was clever about it.  I would've known what it was if I saw a ginormous box next to the tree (Ok, maybe a little exaggeration), so he hid it from me.  He wrapped it in an exceptionally large bag he bought specifically for the purpose, and tucked it into a corner of the dining room (which, right now, is kind of a "no man's land" of storage... Rob has been storing survival foods and military rations in there, and there is a lot of my mom's stuff in there, as well.  More on the rations later...).  After all the presents were unwrapped, he got up and went towards the dining room, quoting "A Christmas Story"... "Hey, what's that box in the corner?"  I jokingly asked if it was a gun (in this house, it is a distinct possibility).  He then proceeded to bring it out and plant it in front of me.  I was very surprised and pleased.  He knows me pretty well!  And it was on my Amazon list.  :)

My dad came out from Idaho to stay with us for Christmas, and then he and Millie will fly out to the boondocks of Montana to attend my cousin's wedding on the 1st.  They will fly back later, and then he'll go back to Idaho.  My nephew and his girlfriend came for Christmas as well.  They live just outside of Anacortes, as they both work at the Naval base there.  For once, they both had Christmas off.  I made a ton of cookies and other goodies, and my husband did a bit of cooking as well, making fudge, Chex Mix, homemade rolls, quiche, etc.  We worked our butts off to get the house ready for guests, and it was worth it.  My kitchen is clean, things are put away, and the living room is clutter-free.  Well, right now there are a bunch of opened gifts in piles, but those things can be moved.  It was nice to be with loved ones, even though we were one short this year.

Ella fared the best this Christmas, and got all kinds of stuff she wanted and loved, and several things she was not expecting.  I got new speakers for my computer (because mine are ancient and terrible), so now I'll finally be able to listen to things on my computer without hearing static and buzzing!  Woot!  My husband also got me an Instant Pot--something I've been thinking about getting, but balking because of the price for a good one, and because I'm not sure where to store it, nor how to use it.  But... I get to look for recipes on Pinterest, and that's half the fun.

Oh--the military rations...  My husband has been watching YouTube videos of people who buy military rations from all over the place and then eat them and evaluate them.  Apparently, it's quite entertaining.  Anyway, it inspired him to try some, too.  So he has been buying MREs from all around the world:  England, Australia, France, Eastern Europe, Russia, etc.  He will sometimes have one or two for lunch on the weekends, frequently including Ella.  She always wants the sweet things, but does try different foods, which is kind of nice, as she's not normally very adventurous when it comes to food.  I swear, this kid is made of Ranch, nuggets, peanut butter, and Goldfish crackers!  Even I try some of it, although nothing too old (some of these are rations from a few decades ago...).  I liked the biscuits/cookies in some English rations, and so did Rob, so he bought a small case of them.  They are excellent with tea, and are very popular, especially in England.  This, of course, makes them expensive.  So I don't eat them often!  When they arrive, I tell him he's OOC (out of control)… it's his current obsession.

Ok, well... this post is longer than I planned.  I hope you all had a great Christmas, filled with family, special treats/food, and fun.

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