Friday, May 10, 2019

Not the most productive week

I finished one bonnet (very cute pattern) and a bootie that I haven't sewed up yet.  And started the second bootie.

Booo... hiss!!

I have been busy every day this week, with meetings, appointments, errands, etc.  By the time I get home, I'm beat, and just don't have the energy to do anything creative, and really want to just zone out or take a nap.  And I got my hearing aids this week, so I'm having a bit of a "wow" week, as well.  I didn't know what I've been missing!!

It doesn't help that it's been very warm here in Washington this week--heat wave!  It's predicted to be in the upper 80s today, and, according to the news, it was 84 yesterday.  Heat just sucks the energy right out of me!  And we haven't got the air conditioning fired up yet.

And my daughter, who has yet to break the 15th percentile at any point in her life (she's petite and healthy), goes around the house with a blanket draped on her like a royal robe!!  She's always cold.

Earlier this week, she wanted hot cocoa!  !!!!!!  Then she asked me to teach her how to make tea.  Well, that was easy.  Showed her how to use the electric kettle, where the tea was (I have a canister filled with all kinds of tea bags, plus loose tea and tagless tea bags in their boxes in the pantry), and she's been making tea and taking it to school in a travel mug for the last three days!  I'm kind of sad and proud at the same time.  She's growing up so fast...she's going to be 12 next week.  Sigh...

Anyway... I've brought supplies and patterns to school with me today, so I can work on it during class--gotta be a good example--but it's already getting warmer, so we'll see how long that lasts.  Still tired.  Feels like I haven't slept at all this week.

Anyway...  Here is proof that I have done a few things, but not much.
The cap in dusty colors is just for reference.  The one bootie is not stitched (the cuff is folded over when it's done), and the second bootie is on the needle.  The pink lacy cap is the one hat I managed to finish this week.  I thought it was pretty, but even though I followed the directions, I think it could use a few more rows.  

And finally... It's Teacher Appreciation week!  I've been delivered something nice each day this week, from some gum (Extra, for the extra work we do), popcorn and water, to a nice little breakfast (we got to order... I got a Costco poppy seed muffin with a strawberry "kabob"--four big strawberries on a wooden kabob stick--and another bottle of water.  Keeping us hydrated!  :)  The picture shows a little wooden board with a tiny clothespin glued on and an acrostic for my name.  It has a place of honor amongst my Edgars (with a Minion trying to photobomb) and the turtle a colleague who shared a room with me brought me as a gift from his trip to Mexico.  I covered my bookcase, among a few other things, with a neutral, pretty sticky shelf paper to disguise some wear and tear.  Yes, I'm a crafty kind of a gal!!

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