Friday, April 26, 2019

20 Time, Round Two!

Good morning!

Today is the day I get my students started in on our second 20 Time project for the year.  Some are excited, some are worried, some are not happy.  But I'm hoping to challenge them a little more.

First, I'm going to have them reflect on the last 20 time project, what went well, what didn't, why, etc.  I'm going to use myself as a model, partially so that they can have an example, but also so that they can see my process as well, and that I'm still participating with them.

As I knew we were going to do this since the beginning of the semester, I've already had time to think it out.  They have known, too, so some of them have been doing the same thing.  Instead of having them present their plans to the class, they are going to submit them in writing to me, and I'll help them to refine it to a workable plan.

As for myself... Last time, I bit off more than I could chew.  I ended up spending the final five weekends doing nothing but the project, to the detriment of the cleanliness of my home, and my participation in family activities.  I was so happy and relieved when it was done!  This time, I wanted something portable, not as cumbersome or expensive as the last one (I think I spent close to $400.00 on that project), and less complex.  I also liked the idea of using my skills for the benefit of others.

I narrowed it down to three options:

1.  Tailoring old clothes to make new ones for my somewhat smaller self.  That would mean fixing many baggy pants and shirts, mostly so that I can wear them to work.  I periodically check out the Re-Fashionista's blog, and am often inspired by what she's done with clothing she's found in thrift shops, etc.  But she's maybe a size 2, and I am definitely not!  So my choices are limited there.  And now that my niece has moved out, I have my sewing room back!  Woohoo!!  But it needs a lot of cleaning to make it ready, so I'm in the process of transitioning from my tiny work area in my husband's office back to a full room.

2.  Crafting for charity.  Multiple options here:  quilts for hospitals (mostly for kids), purses for girls in Africa (Sew Powerful project...I've wanted to participate for a long time), chemo caps for kids going through Cancer treatment, and making baby hats and gowns for preemies, some of which are called "angel gowns", for the preemies who have not survived their early entrance to the world.

3.  Working on my novel.  Yes, I've started a novel, many years ago, and periodically tinker with it.  Ella (my daughter) wanted to see what I've written (she's an aspiring writer herself), so I printed a copy of it for her.  It's only a few chapters.  But she loved it, and wants me to finish it.  And I will, although I don't know if I could do it as a project...writing on demand is difficult.  But, it is certainly a personal challenge.

My choice is to craft for charity.  I can do the tailoring and writing when life is less hectic (during the summer).  I have inherited a massive amount of fabric and sewing implements from my mother, who passed away about a year and a half ago.  Those are still in storage (in the garage, and don't worry--they are in sealed plastic containers), and again, I'm still working on getting my sewing room re-established.  So, my yarn stash is always accessible, and I don't mind shopping for new yarn!!  I've found a plethora of knit and crochet patterns on Ravelry.  I'm using free patterns, as I believe that items made for charity should be free.  I've got a binder full of printed patterns, and I've been testing those patterns for the last couple of weeks, as well as finding patterns that challenge my skills a bit.


My first hat, in progress.
The finished hat.  It's about 2 3/4" across, 3" long.
I have not blocked any of the completed hats yet.  Here are more:
First crocheted hat, similar in size to the knitted one.

Hats I've made thus far.  I work on them while watching TV or movies with the family, while waiting in the hospital (Ella's had multiple surgical procedures in the last 5 weeks, all to place stents in her ureters...with multiple failures for the left one.  We have surgery on Tuesday, and we're really hoping it will be successful), etc. I've even found bootie patterns that are adorable.  I'm making hats in multiple sizes, as well.
It just occurred to me that I could share my pattern resources for anybody who is inspired to do the same.  Most of the patterns use DK, Sport, and Fingering weight yarn (on the labels, the little black-labeled yarn size is 3 or 2, although some fingering yarn is also sock yarn, which is a size 1), and use hook sizes D-G, knitting needles size 3-4.  

There are certain guidelines to follow, and I will post those later.  Yarn has to be washable and super soft.  But more on that next time!  :)  In the meantime, I'm stitching away!  Most that I've done take a very short amount of time to do, and not a lot of yarn.  I average about 1 an hour, unless I'm interrupted or tired.  Some are much faster.  I crochet very quickly, as I've been doing that since my grandma taught me when I was eight years old!  And she's still alive and kicking at 92 years.  Her oldest grandchild is 50 (that would be me), so... she and I have shared an interest in sewing and needlework for many years.  She slowing down a bit now, but still paints (Tole, etc.).  

In my family, hobbies are encouraged, so we all have things we like to do when we have free time.  My daughter is very much like me, and has many creative pursuits!  I believe that keeps our imaginations alive, and is important for mental and emotional health.  When I'm crafting (sewing, beading, embroidery, paper crafts, yarn crafts, miniatures, doll accessories, painting, etc.), I kind of go into Zen mode/my happy place... calming, relaxing, freeing, serious stress relief.  I like to listen to audiobooks while I do quiet crafts, so I'm also reading.  But... that's me.  

And I'm still beading... So... I may also post stuff about that.  And my sewing room.  You get all the good stuff!!

Until later, have a fantastic weekend!

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